Hotel Belles Rives, Juan-les-Pins
The effortlessly elegant Hotel Belles Rives sits on the spectacular shoreline overlooking the bay of Juan-Les-Pins. In the very heart of the Riviera, the hotel is an exquisite example of the sophistication and glamour of Art Deco. Soon after Cole Porter and his wife discovered the sleepy Riviera in 1922 introducing many of the creative luminaries of the Roaring Twenties, F. Scott Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda rented the seaside Villa St-Louis.Three years later, the villa was revamped into the Hotel Belles Rives, a small, family-run hotel, with period furnishings, frescoes, and a fumoir that have all been preserved by the current owner, Marianne Chauvin-Estène. The location was to inspire one of Fitzgerald’s finest novels, “Tender Is the Night.”